Some problems are easily solved with a bit of reasoning, logic, or by using a bit of math. Other problems go beyond quantitative thinking.
The most thought-provoking issues aren’t numbers-based. Many decisions surrounding retirement require much deeper consideration and often cause you to reevaluate your thinking of what you had originally imagined retirement to be.
In this episode, you’ll learn how to identify “wild problems” people face when retiring and develop a framework for working through them.
One of the retirement questions that persists through the ages is whether to take a pension or a lump sum payment. On this episode, we flesh out an example from baseball: Did Bobby Bonilla Day make the right decision back in 1999 to take $1.2 million per year instead of a $5.9 million lump sum payment?
Seeing this example play out over time can help you make your own pension vs. lump sum choice. Listen to find out whether Bobby hit a home run with his financial decision.
What if you had a magic app that told you how much of your net worth you never got to spend at the end of your retirement?
The trouble with planning for retirement is all the uncertainty, however, proper planning can help. In this episode, Cameron Hendricks joins me to discuss how you can learn to spend more in retirement.