With Grandparents day around the corner, we're breaking down helpful financial planning strategies for grandparents. Many grandparents have dreams of sharing the fruits of their labor with their families. However, sharing your wealth effectively takes careful planning.
YouTube recap here: https://youtu.be/eGYLeS_8hNw
Listen to this episode to hear the best ways to plan effectively for your kids and grandkids.
Grandparents love spoiling the grandkids. One of the more memorable ways to do this, is by taking care of planning and paying for the whole family to take a bucket list vacation. After working and saving for years, retirement brings an excellent opportunity for grandparents to take everyone on this epic family trip.
Before taking your trip, understanding how much you have to spend and whether it will be a one-time event or an annual tradition. This is where financial planning can provide priceless perspective to help you understand how much you have to spend and at what level.
Another common planning strategy many grandparents begin to consider is direct gifting to their children and grandchildren. In 2021, the gift tax exemption is $15,000 per person, which means $30,000 per couple. This provides a more meaningful way for grandparents to enjoy seeing their children and grandchildren benefit from their hard work vs. waiting to inherit monies after they were to pass.
If you want to do even more to provide for the grandkids’ education you could contribute to their 529 plan or even start one of your own with the grandchild as the beneficiary. Many grandparents choose to pay the fees directly to the school.
Have you thought about ways to contribute to your grandkids' education?
Too many people put off their basic estate planning documents in place. Before planning anything else, make sure that you have a will, power of attorney, and healthcare power of attorney.
Once you have the basics in place then you can think more strategically about specific ways you can plan your estate.
One way to directly leave your wealth to those you love is by naming them as beneficiaries on your accounts. It’s important to remember that named beneficiaries supersede your will, so check your beneficiaries periodically to assure they still align with your wishes. Listen in to hear about trusts, per stirpes, and whether it’s better to give cash or appreciated stocks.
There is a common misconception that you can plan for a long-term care event by giving away your assets and waiting 5 years to be eligible for Medicaid. What many people don’t realize is that your household income could disqualify you from Medicaid. To qualify for Medicaid care, your household income must be less than $17,000 per year in NC and most people’s Social Security benefits would be higher than that.
Listen in to hear how important it is to create a plan to put in place and communicate your wishes to your family.